2021 CLARB Annual Meeting in Phoenix, AZ

SGA Group co-founder Graham Sones attended the 2021 Council of Landscape Architectural Registration Boards (CLARB) Annual Meeting in Phoenix, AZ, Sept. 22-24, 2021. Graham attended, in his capacity as a licensing board member. He is one of two landscape architect board members on the 21-member Minnesota Board of Architecture, Engineering, Land Surveying, Landscape Architecture, Geoscience and Interior Design (AELSLAGID).
The meeting was a successful ‘hybrid’ format where in-person and virtual (remote) attendees and presenters came together from all over the country. Approximately 200 people (in-person/virtual) attended.
Currently, CLARB has been updating the licensure exam protocols and content to increase access and equity for the applicants preparing to take the Landscape Architecture Registration Exam (LARE). Several topics of presentation, discussion and observation were covered, but the implementation of a uniform standard for education, experience and examination (i.e. uniform or consistent among all or most states requiring professional Landscape Architect licensure) was the clear focus of the “Better Together” conference.
During his free time, Graham explored Phoenix for executed works of landscape architecture. The image, above, downtown ‘City Plaza’ was a beautiful space with permanent shade and a mature palm grove. He also toured local streetscapes and destination zones.
About CLARB: Founded in 1970, CLARB is an international organization that promotes professional licensure standards for education, experience and examination for the profession of Landscape Architecture.