2019 CLARB Annual Meeting

Mr. Gunderson (shown at right) attended the CLARB Annual Meeting in St. Louis, MO, on September 26-28, 2019. In the above image, seated next to the CLARB parliamentarian, Bob – shown acting in his official capacity as secretary of the organization – counted ballots as part of a governance change intended to position the organization to address the future of disruption, in the professional licensing regulation realm.
Other topics covered at the meeting included the keynote presentation: “Questioning Orthodoxy”, advanced diversity and inclusion training, Best Board Practices, Re-thinking Regulation, Reframing Landscape Architecture, and the general business session.
A site tour of the renovated Gateway Arch district (original design by Eero Saarinen and Daniel Kiley; current grounds renovation by Michael Van Valkenburgh) focused on the methods in which designers engage with legislators, the media, and the general public.
About CLARB: Founded in 1970, CLARB is an international organization that promotes professional licensure standards for education, experience and examination for the profession of Landscape Architecture.